Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today we take the public transportation system to Grinzing and Kahlenberg which involved the subway, two trolleys, and a bus. Unfortunately, the expected great view over Vienna and the suburbs is obscured by smog.

We return from Kahlenberg to Grinzing looking for a restaurant, but most are open only at night. We have wine and soup at Wienerwald (Vienna Woods) and return to the city where we take a quick look at the Treasury. Bob and Maurine go to see the Royal Apartments while we shop and then have open face sandwiches, torts, and coffee. We meet again for supper at the Opera Restaurant before returning to the hotel.

Our last full day in Vienna we go to the Belvedere and walk down by the beautiful fountains and gardens. We walk on to Karlskirche and then to the Opera Restaurant for a late lunch. After lunch we go to the Stadt Park and see the statue of Johan Strauss. There are many people sitting on the park benches, and card players in the pensioners section. We sit in the Kursalon area and listen to an orchestra in the gazebo playing Strauss music while we eat cake and drink a demitasse of coffee. After reinforcement by some open faced sandwiches we go to the Opera House for Die Valkiere. Our seats are on the side and in the uppermost gallery so it is a strain to see anything, but we can hear fine.

We are late returning to the hotel. Tomorrow we fly home, regretting we don’t have more time to spend in Vienna. Like Paris, it is a place that should be visited many times!

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