Thursday, March 27, 2008


On a sunny bright day we drive to Auray and follow the Michelin Green Guide tour around Morbihan Gulf to Vannes, with stops at Larmon Baden & Pt. Arradon, seeing more scenic harbors filled with boats. Homes are white and new looking. On to Vannes, and check for mail at poste restante, then walk to the cathedral which is different from most with no central columns. It has bas relief stations of the cross, and abundant statues. We have a picnic lunch at a nice little park overlooking the Vannes ramparts. Then it is down the freeway to Nantes. We stop for gas and get directions in French to the Hotel France (we find it anyway). It is old, but very nice and they are renovating it. We have a very good meal with fresh vegetable entree and superb trout almondine.

After breakfast on a bright sunny day we walk the Michelin tour of Nantes, seeing nice shops, and a very pretty cathedral with light colored stone and soaring lines. The ducal castle looks impressive but isn’t open yet. Leaving the automated garage is interesting; we insert the ticket in a machine, put in the money requested, then in going out insert the ticket in a slot to open the gate and drive towards the Loire Valley (#10).

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